
Numerologia de Facebook

Name: Maria Claudia Pompeo de Vasconcellos
Birthday: 10/28/1975

Your Life Path Number is 6
Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.

Your Life Path Number makes you a both a healer and a provider. You maintain a balanced life and are looked upon by others as a stable and trustworthy person. You are sympathetic and caring, which makes you a good listener and counsellor. You are able see the best in people around you.

Positive Traits
Nurturing, Responsible, Dutiful, Family Oriented, Kind, Stable, Devoted
Negative Traits
Intolerant, Discontented, Dictatorial, Dogmatic
Tarot: Lovers
Astrology: Venus, Virgo, Gemini
Rune: Wunjo
I Ching: Sung
Tree of Life: Tiphereth, Beauty
Hebrew Letter: Vau, Samekh
Shamanism: Duck, Snake, and Lion
Element: Earth, Air
Alchemy: Air
Aura: Rainbow
Color: Blue
Gemstones: Pearl, Sapphire, Diamond
Crystals: Blue Tourmaline
Month: June
Week Day: Friday
Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 4, 9, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96, 105
Flora: Tulip, Rosewood, Chrysanthemum


Sabe assim?

Sabe o que é? Eu estou acordando pra minha vida nova. Abri os olhos finalmente. Consegui ver que eu posso, eu quero e eu consigo.
Ando achando a vida linda, os dias deliciosos, as minhas expectativas viraram desejos realizados.
Passei a acordar todos os dias agradecendo ao universo por mais um dia.
Poliana mode on.

Mas eu nunca vou deixar de ser escorpiana, e eu sei muito bem quando eu preciso andar pela sombra de cauda levantada, viu? A pontinha sempre pronta pra dar o bote.

Faz parte.

Growing up is alright.

Me sentindo mais viva. Bom sinal.