Did you think that I've been foolin' around As I'm wanderin' from town to town Asking you to wait, wait for me Don't you know you can't believe all that you've heard I know it's rough when all you have is my word Asking you to wait, wait for me But I've been waiting, I've been waiting, I've been waiting, yeah I've been waiting, I've been waiting, wanna know if you'll wait for me too I wanna know if you'll Wait for me, wait for me Wait for me, wait for me Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me We both know I won't be standing still But to have your love is such a thrill That's why I'm asking you to wait, wait for me Without you by my side I just can't sleep That's why I'm up all night counting sheep Hoping and praying you'll wait for me But I've been waiting, I've been waiting, I've been waiting, yeah I've been waiting, I've been waiting, wanna know if you'll wait for me too I wanna know if you'll Wait for me, wait for me Wait for me, wait for me Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me Wait for me, wait for me Wait for me, wait for me Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me 'Cause I've been waiting, I've been waiting, I've been waiting, yeah I've been waiting, I've been waiting, I've been waiting, yeah I've been waiting, I've been waiting, I've been waiting, yeah I've been waiting, I've been waiting, wanna know if you'll wait for me too I wanna know if you'll Wait for me
"Preocupe-se mais com sua consciência do que com sua reputação. Porque sua consciência é o que você é, e sua reputação é o que os outros pensam de você. E o que os outros pensam é problema deles."
não sei de quem é...
(tem gente que julga a gente xyz...olha pro próprio umbigo antes de apontar o dedo na cara dos outros. evitar isso é o caminho pra solidão)
We walked arm in arm But I didn't feel his touch The desire I'd first tried to hide That tingling inside was gone
And when he asked me “Do you still love me” I had to look away I didn't want to tell him That my heart grows colder with each day
When you've loved so long That the thrill is gone And your kisses at night Are replaced with tears
And when your dreams are on A train to train-wreck town Then I ask you now What's a girl to do
He said he'd take me away That we'd work things out And I didn't want to tell him But it was then I had to say
Over the times we've shared It's all blackened out And my bat lightning heart Wants to fly away
When you've loved so long That the thrill is gone And your kisses at night Are replaced with tears
And when your dreams are on A train to train-wreck town Then I ask you now What's a girl to do
What's a girl to do What's a girl to do What's a girl to do
Eu já fui triste de não conseguir sorrir. Agora consigo sorrir mesmo estando triste. É uma evolução saber aproveitar o que se tem, e deixar que a vida tome conta do que ainda se terá. O aqui e agora me interessa. O resto, é depois. A opção de viver o presente me alivia um peso enorme das costas. Apesar de tudo.
Eu moro na cidade mais linda que podia existir, eu tenho os melhores amigos que eu poderia ter. Não há nada nem ninguém que vá me fazer esquecer quem eu sou ou de onde eu vim.
Pra onde eu vou, depende de mim. No momento estou reunindo forças, fazendo exatamente o que eu preciso fazer, para que eu possa dizer lá na frente que eu pelo menos tentei. Arrependimento é algo muito distante de mim agora. Nunca tive, que eu me lembre. Jogo aberto sempre, mente sã, espírito alimentado pelas boas coisas boas da vida. Eu só preciso disso e de uma árvore de dinheiro no meu quintal...rs
Agradeço ao lindo dia de hoje. Eu precisava desse mar e dessas risadas.
Não deixei de estar triste. Mas a tristeza é algo que assim como a felicidade está sempre presente em nossas vidas. Basta prestar atenção e dar a importância devida às duas coisas pra você entender.